Support Ukraine!


Even I, who make a point of not following the news, have long become aware of the fact that Russian troops have viciously attacked Ukraine, destroying entire areas, and killing and raping civilians.

Yeah, way to keep it classy, there. Haven't had a war in Europe since '45, and then you pull this one. Real nice.

Unfortunately for Russia's dictat..., I mean president, Vladimir Putin, in today's transparent digital age, it's pretty obvious that he's a deluded megalomaniac who thinks violence will make people respect you, and that war tactics and propaganda still work like they did around the time when he was born.

What's become even more obvious, and what's just as unfortunate for Putin, is that Ukranian actual, democratically elected president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a complete fucking badass who doesn't take any shit from even the world's biggest country. While Putin is hiding behind his absurdly long slab of intimidation mahogany, Zelenskyy is out there, gun in hand, fighting on the goddamn frontlines.

Now that's a fucking leader, right there. More power to him.

... And that's exactly the thing here. Because Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian civilians need our help. And while adorning your Facebook picture with a little blue-and-yellow dot might seem like a nice, symbolic gesture, it's not really making a tangible difference.

So, I just noticed that the good people over at Metal Archives have published some links through which you can donate to the Ukraine in different ways. So I'm totally gonna do the same thing here:

The UN's Ukraine humanitarian fund

CARE's Ukraine crisis fund

List of various charities by area of interest

This one's pretty serious, you guys. Give until it hurts.