Look who came to visit me in Slovakia!


Yes, here's that lovely girl with the irresistible German accent again – this time with me in Bratislava, Slovakia.

While not a very big city, it's definitely a nice place. It's cheap, the locals seem relatively friendly, and it's neat and well-kept in terms of old buildings as well – even compared to relatively close places like Budapest and Vienna.

It's got a strong metal scene, too. There are several rock and metal bars; if you're there, you need to check out Randal Club, BarRock, and, not the least of all, Lemmy's Bar (not to be confused with Bar Lemmy, my old billabong in Málaga). The night before that AC/DC show we're mentioning – which, by the way, was fucking AWESOME – the place was swarming with black t-shirts. Some local restaurants were even blasting out hard rock to accommodate the visitors.

Also, as you can kinda see from the video, there are some nice nature areas in the vicinity, too. And we happened to visit several yummy restaurants as well. So, my heartiest recommendations for Bratislava!

Finally, by the way, it wasn't very many hours after shooting this video that Kathleen and I decided to give each other a second chance. Because some things – and people – are great enough to deserve it. And, as an added bonus, to freak out this one miserable excuse for a human being who orients herself in the world through fear, paranoia, and conflict, and whose sad existence is so devoid of substance that she spends hours stalking her own daughter online.

Instead of letting ourselves be guided by those same horrible values, then, Kathleen and I have decided to let ourselves be guided by trust, understanding, and, above all, by love.